The basic requirements are:
– Node Js
– Angular CI
– Node G Y P
– Windows Build Tools
– Node mon
– Ionic command-line interface
In this section, we’ll install the required packages and dependencies
Follow the steps ahead to ensure a seamless installation step-by-step.
Step 1: Install Node js, an open-source, cross-platform runtime environment.
Step 2: Open the command prompt window, and as an administrator, install the required packages.
Step 3: Install Angular CLI, a command-line interface tool to develop and maintain Angular applications.
Step 4: Run the command prompt and install the required packages.
Step 5: Install the Node G Y P, a cross-platform command-line tool written in Node js for compiling native add-on modules.
Step 6: Install Windows Build Tools to download and install Visual C++ Build Tools 2015 if you haven’t already.
Step 7: Install the Node mon, a tool that helps you develop Node js applications.
We hope this lecture kickstarted your low-code app and portal development journey.